Through professional content and service combined with efficient selling on-line, we are able to offer you one of the best online stores in Europe for level sensor systems.
Very attractive prices and fast delivery are additional advantages that improve the quality of product for you.
We specialize in selling the latest level sensors from different manufacturers. Years of experience have enabled us to meet the needs of our customers and thus adapt our services to your needs.
We provide professional assistance in the implementation of projects and offer advice on installation. We rely on our own knowledge and experience while at the same time paying particular attention to the needs and expectations of our customers.
Odex provides comprehensive technical advice alongside sales of professional level sensor systems. We have a technical department with years of experience to ensure effective and professional help for our clients.
We offer:
Float Switches
Adres: Dol. Zielona 24a, 65-154 Zielona Góra jest dystrybutorem wyrobów Grupa Eotech - grupy działającej w różnych sektorach rynku. Jest to grupa obecna w branży przetwórstwa tworzyw sztucznych jako znany producent studni wodomierzowych, zbiorników, przepompowni ścieków.
Telefon: 784100511, (68) 4511182
Zarząd: ul. Dolina Zielona24a
65-154 Zielona Góra
Produkcja: ul. Głogowska 12
66-004 Zielona Góra- Racula
Telefon: +48 784 100 511
Telefon 2: +48 68 451 11 82
Godziny otwarcia:
pn-pt: 07:00 - 16:00
10 lat
na rynku